Split Train Tickets | Cambridge To Camden Road

Split your train tickets from Cambridge to Camden Road and pay less. You still travel on the same train, at the same time and in the same seat.

Cambridge railway station is the primary station of Cambridge and has journeys to Camden Road.
Cambridge being quite central in the country means it has easy access to Camden Road. Meaning your journey to Camden Road from Cambridge will be easy and stress free.

Can I bring my bicycle on my train journey from Cambridge to Camden Road?

To bring your bicycle on your train journey from Cambridge to Camden Road, you will need to check with the train provider.
Normally bicycles are allowed on train journeys from Cambridge to Camden Road so there shouldn't be an issue.
Please not that on train journeys from Cambridge to Camden Road electric bicycles are not allowed on the trains.

Can I bring my service dog on my train journey from Cambridge to Camden Road?

All service dogs are allowed on train journeys from Cambridge to Camden Road. Service dogs are important for those who need them so the law states that you can take service dogs on trains, including journeys from Cambridge to Camden Road.
Please make sure that on your journey from Cambridge to Camden Road, your service dog is well behaved around other passengers.

Can I bring my child on my train journey from Cambridge to Camden Road?

All children are allowed on train journeys from Cambridge to Camden Road. Please ensure they do not disturb other passengers.

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Cambridge To Camden Road

Martin Mcmillan

Fast and easy booking my Cambridge To Camden Road train tickets, would highly recommend to friends and family traveling on a budget.

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Split Cambridge Train Tickets

Travel on the same Cambridge train, at the same time and in the same seat - just for a lot cheaper!
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